Personal Commonplace Entry: Words, Wisdom, & Inspiration

Personal Commonplace Entry: Words, Wisdom, & Inspiration

Originally Written: Tues. March 14, ’23–7:30 PM

Recent Inspiration

I’ve remained consistent as ever in my philosophical and literary studies, lately, falling deeper and deeper into love with books and reading. I love The Classical Mind and Benjamin McEvoy on YouTube, as well. Jared’s channel (The Classical Mind) has a strong philosophical theme and Ben’s channel is, creating a nearly perfect combination of content, focused on classical literature and reading.

I draw much inspiration from both of these guys. Jared, in fact, is the one from who I drew inspiration to take up journaling in a more serious tone. I have also combined two of his specific methods for it to create a quite suitable, and frankly enjoyable, journaling style for myself. He speaks of this “idea box” concept that I have adopted, and I absolutely love it.

Anyways, here we are. Since I began taking my intellectual growth more seriously, I have observed significant differences, changes, and measures of advancement in my cognitive capacity. I have also managed to achieve a much greater degree of confidence and skill in articulation as two particular side effects of this. Though I do try to be consciously humble and modest without being fake.

Cognitive Advancement

I find myself regularly shifting and solidifying my beliefs and worldviews regarding anything I give time enough to in study, discourse, and debate. In fact, it has even inspired me to want to vote in future political elections, as well. On the subject matter of opinions and debates, while it is still at the forefront of my mind, I’ve been commenting on posts on social media to give my opinions regarding various topics (from basic things to controversial matters), as well as creating videos of me discussing various topics and posting them, writing lengthy articles on Facebook, and some other activities similar in nature.

I suppose all of it is fundamentally a form of journaling in this modern age to which we belong. I have also been trying to make it a point to spread love and positivity, and I love to educate others with small attempts to stimulate a potential for critical thought or consciousness if possible (seeing as how the lack thereof in so many individuals in my own experience is such a drastic issue in these times). It likely racks some folks’ nerves in such a way to I would compare the fans of Floyd Mayweather who get irritated at his almost philosophical responses to nearly everything presented to him in conversation.

Vanity, Truth, & Transparency

I can hardly fault him, though. I mean, I would be blatantly lying if I said that I, myself, didn’t get some sort of “ego boost” when I express something publicly or openly to another individual — and I know that it’s a sufficiently contemplated, intellectual, rational and logically sound idea, remark, or perspective. The same applies to any noble proclamations I make. Especially so, considering this bittersweet habit I have of viewing most others around me as intellectually inferior. Though, perhaps that fact speaks more to my desperate need to curate my circle and position myself around more people from whom I can learn, and, of course, lesser the people by whom my own laziness, stagnation, and ultimate demise are enabled and tolerated.

Nevertheless, something beyond vanity, which I have yet to specifically identify thus far, compels me to share my opinions, perspectives, and so on (as transparently as I do) with others. One sure driving factor is the particular feeling that it breeds when I believe that I may have had some positive impact on another’s life; and of course, the vain gratifications remain ever present, even within this. Can there truly be such a thing as a fully selfless act? I’ve been pointed toward Nietzche for elaborations on such a question, though I have yet to read his works for the time being.

A Portrait of Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Portrait of Fyodor Dostoyevsky by K. Hinchey

My Day, Made

I was awoken to a very inspiring message in Facebook Messenger this morning that encouraged me to continue in the direction I’ve been traveling, regarding my recent activities. The message was from a man named Joe Hardin — a man who I have never met, seen, or so much as spoken to prior to our brief exchange this morning. It quite literally made my day, which still holds true right now, at 8:14 PM. I shared a post on Facebook yesterday concerning children going to drag shows being compared to children going to Hooters. I, of course, added my own opinion to the post, and my old neighbor commented on it to assert that he planned to give his son a Playboy mag once he reaches pubescent age. I responded, outlining how I plan to educate Jax on sex and everything else in life in an almost abstract way, heavily influenced by the Socratic method. I specifically emphasized the point that I intend to provide Jax with the “whys” behind the lessons I teach him, as well as cultivate critical thinking skills from an early age. Otherwise, the lessons would be less likely to stick with him long-term. I mentioned how I will teach him to question everything until objective truths are discovered if such a thing can truly exist in any given matter.

I thought not much more about the response I gave than any other, as most of my interaction on social media is of this same nature. Then, I woke up today and checked my phone to see a message from this Joe guy, which contained a screenshot of my response to my old neighbor under the aforementioned comparison post and a paragraph, to paraphrase, telling me that he’s aware that he doesn’t know me, but that he’s disappointed that he doesn’t. He said he enjoys my content and that he has for a while — and he decided to let me know that he’s proud of the kind of man I am, and how “enlightened” I am. Lastly, he expressed his hope and expectation that my son (on account of having a “good” and “enlightened” father) will grow into becoming DOUBLE the man I am today.

I felt a unique kind of inspiration upon reading his words. I am truly and genuinely grateful for this man to have reached out in such a way, and I stand on the fact that he played a significant role in the overall trajectory of my day. Yet another example, as if I required any more, of just how powerful our words can truly be.


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